We here at Ryntal understand that everyone values their privacy and personal space and we absolutely respect that. Lately we have received a lot of questions regarding our inspections and what exactly the process entails. There are four types of inspections you may encounter over the course of your tenancy: a move in inspection, routine property inspection, annual HVAC inspection, and move out inspection. This article will explain the who, what, when, and why for each type of inspection. These inspections are mainly for two things: to inspect the overall condition of the property and to perform an HVAC check to make sure that the unit is still in good condition and does not need repair.
As part of our full-service Management Agreement, Ryntal conducts inspections of each property on the behalf of its owner. On the Lease overview, you acknowledge that “We routinely inspect the property to ensure there are no issues. You will be notified in advance of the scheduled inspection date.“ The Right of Entry provision of Lease explains, “LANDLORD, upon reasonable notice to TENANT by telephone, hand-delivery, electronically OR posting at the PREMISES, has the right of entry to the PREMISES for showing, repairs, appraisals, inspections, or any other reason.” By signing a Lease, the tenant grants permission to and must comply with these inspections.
Move in Inspection: This inspection is done when you first receive keys and take possession of your rental. You will be given a Move in Condition form for which to note any problems and/or repairs needed to the property. This inspection may be done during a walkthrough with your Leasing Agent or on your own. The form is then retained for our records and is referenced during the move out inspection.
Routine Property Inspections: These inspections are done throughout the year by one of Ryntal’s property inspectors. Notice will be given electronically through the Tenant Portal. The focus of these inspections is on the structural condition of the unit (no cracks in the walls, leaks in the plumbing, roof/ceiling, or water heater) and to ensure there are no signs of destruction to the property. The overall cleanliness of the unit may also be documented (piles of dirty dishes that may attract bugs, or unnecessary clutter, etc.). This serves the dual purpose of correcting any existing issues with the property on behalf of the owner as well as noting any signs of possible maintenance issues before they could lead to a larger problem. Pictures will be taken to capture the overall condition of the unit, including the inside of each cabinet under a sink. The photos are directly uploaded to our system and are kept confidential to protect your privacy. The inspectors are also tasked with looking for potential lease violations such as smoking in the unit, unauthorized tenants or pets. As much as we want to trust that everyone respects the rules, that is unfortunately not always the case. We do try to provide a reasonable amount of notice for the date of each inspection, however, we are unable to provide a specific time that the inspection will be conducted. If there is a major scheduling conflict, please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to accommodate your request to reschedule.
Annual HVAC Inspection: As you may have noticed, our annual HVAC inspections are typically scheduled during the months of April-June. We do our best to complete these inspections before the Florida weather gets too hot and places undue stress on an AC unit. A message will be sent in the Tenant Portal to give notice of the inspection. A member of Ryntal’s inspection staff will accompany a licensed HVAC technician. A routine property inspection is conducted by Ryntal while the HVAC inspection is done.
During the annual HVAC service, the licensed HVAC technician will:
- Check heating and cooling system;
- Check thermostat;
- Clean coils, pans, and drain line;
- Place algae tabs in pan;
- Disinfect air handler;
- Check inside and outside electric current draws;
- Change air filter(s)
- Check Freon levels
Move Out Inspection: Should you ever choose not to renew your lease, you will be sent a Preparing for Move Out letter through the Tenant Portal. This letter details our cleaning requirements and move out process. The move out inspection is conducted by a Property Manager once the unit has been vacated. Tenants are not present during the move out inspection. Your Move in Condition form will be used to compare the condition of the unit to the condition it was in when you moved in. If the carpets have been professionally cleaned (by a vendor specified in the move out letter) and there is no unusual wear and tear, you will receive your security deposit within the next 30 days. Your security deposit will be sent to your forwarding address via certified mail. Please make sure to leave a forwarding address in the unit before you leave, or we won’t know where to send your deposit and it will take that much longer for you to receive it.
Long story short, the inspections are something that protect both the owner and tenant and will make life easier for everyone in the long run. We aren’t here to judge and we’re only human ourselves! We understand that you may feel a bit uncomfortable to have a stranger in your living space but be assured that we conduct each inspection as professionally and non-invasively as possible. If you ever have a concern or an issue during or after your inspection, please give our office a call and let us assist. Thank you for choosing Ryntal Property Management!