According to Coldwell Banker, most Americans are moving to Florida, and natives aren’t searching much further.
With Coldwell Banker’s Move Meter, a tool designed to show American’s moving goals, out-of-staters seem to gravitate towards Florida for their top destination to live. Native Floridians are also seeming to stay within the state lines.
On average, all Move Meter searches to date have been to move out of state, covering a reach of within 1,015 miles.
- 82% of searches covered out of state movers
- 13% of searches looked for new homes within a driving distance of 100-miles from their destination, with 42% of searches considering a distance somewhere between 500 to 1,500 miles away.
Florida was ranked as the number one state to move, with one out of seven of all Move Meter searches looking to reside in the Sunshine State.
- The top states looking to move to the sunshine state include New Jersey, California, New York, Illinois, Ohio and Massachusetts, with preference in Sarasota, Miami, Naples and Tampa.
- Floridians who have also looked to stay in-state, have looked within other metro areas in their home state.
California ranked 20% of searchers looking to stay in the Golden State. Californians considering living anywhere out-of-state, searched these top destinations: Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and Washington with the metro areas of most interest being Austin, Dallas and Seattle.
The top 10 searched cities for Dream Destinations were: Austin, Sarasota, San Diego, Denver, Nashville, Tennessee, Tampa, New York, Naples, and Seattle.