As the conditions around Covid-19 worsened, small companies started thinking about what they could do to give back. Siesta Key Rum is a local company that has joined in with all the other small distilleries around the country and started making sanitizer.
Giving Back
Once the CDC recommended using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer the products in store started flying off the shelves. Employees and the owner of this local distillery began looking for ways to help and quickly started the production of their own hand sanitizer.
High Quality Products
After making the decision to start production on hand sanitizer, the employees of Siesta Key Rum started researching the proper way to produce the sanitizer. The Food and Drug Administration as well as The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau created guidelines for distilleries to follow. From there the distillery had the sanitizer tested at Sarasota Memorial for quality and effectiveness.
A Difficult Challenge
Siesta Key Rum employees were determined to give back despite the increasingly difficult ability to acquire the ingredients and bottles, along with the daily price increases associated with these items. They have put thousands of dollars into this project with no profits whatsoever. A bulk of their products have been donated to the front-line workers such as Sarasota Police Department and physicians around Sarasota county.
Supporting local businesses is always important, especially in times where many are struggling. Siesta Key Rum along with many other local businesses are giving back in every way possible, so make sure to return the favor once bars and restaurants open by buying local!